Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does my membership last?

A: Our membership period is from 1st April to 31st March each year. We also welcome new members to take out membership throughout the year and offer pro-rata rates depending on the date of joining.

Q: Do I have to join straight away?

A: No. We operate a grace period of 3 runs. If you decide that you enjoy it and wish to continue to run with us then we will ask you to pay and join.

Q: Do you give refunds if I decide to leave?

A: No. Our membership fees are already low so we are unable to refund any unused membership except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the committee.

Q: Where does the money go?

A: This money gets used to promote the club, pays for prizes and trophies, contribute towards the cost of some training courses for coaches, club affiliation, and social events. We are a non-profit organisation and everyone who runs the club, is a volunteer. If you feel that you would be able to take a more active role in the club, speak to any of the existing committee members.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: It costs an individual nothing to participate in a single club run. We allow you to run with us for up to three times whilst you decide whether you enjoy it. After this we expect you to join or stop running with us. The current prices can be viewed in Membership section of the website.

Q: Where do you meet?

A: Most of the runs meet at the King George field in Boxted, In the winter though, the Tuesday evening run meets at the Colchester United stadium.

Q: Am I too old? / Am I too young?

A: Anyone over the age of 16 can join the club. There is no upper limit and we have runners in their 20′s, 30′s, 40′s, 50′s, 60’s and 70′s.

Q: What should I wear?

A: It depends on the weather but shorts/leggings and short sleeve/long sleeve top should be fine. Try to use sports specific wicking material in warm weather. You should also wear running specific trainers if you have them. We have Boxted Runners Tops available to purchase which you can wear for club runs, and MUST wear if you are representing Boxted Runners in a Race.

Q: What do I need to do to run with you?

A: A positive attitude and a pair of trainers, then just turn up at a session and advise a coach you’re new to the club. Simple as that! – You can attend three times before committing to be a member.

Q: How far do you run?

A: A Tuesday and Thursday club run may be anything between 5km and 10km. However, many of the runs may be longer or shorter depending on the objectives of the session. Make sure that you check the distances available via the Event calendar the session you plan to join. There are often multiple options available to give you a different distance to run if you need it.

Q: Will I be too slow? / What if I can’t do it?

A: The club has runners across the entire spectrum of abilities. Whatever your pace you will fit in somewhere, although we do ask that as a minimum you can run 5 km in 50 minutes or less before you join a club run on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. If you cannot meet this requirement, look out for our Beginners sessions, running 3 times a year where over 12 weeks we will get you to this standard.

Q: How do I contact you?

A: You may contact us via email, through facebook or through the contact form on the web page. We are always happy to help and will try and answer your questions quickly. However, as the club is run by volunteers, we would appreciate you taking the time to read all of the FAQ’s below before submitting your question

Q: What do I do if there is an accident ?

A: Make sure you complete an accident form and give to a Coach or Committee member as soon as possible

Q: Which days do you have club runs ?

A : We run on a Tuesday (7:30pm), Thursday (9:00am) and Sunday (8:00am)